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J.Riddle 12:58 Mon Aug 22
West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Didn't seem too bad v Domzale I didn't go yesterday, your thoughts?

C&P Standard
Tony Evans: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless - the Hammers now face the same problems as Arsenal

It must have seemed that West Ham struck gold when they were given the keys to the Olympic Stadium. Arsene Wenger compared it to “winning the lottery.” The Arsenal manager may review that statement when he visits the renamed London Stadium in December.

The financial benefits of moving from Upton Park made it a simple decision to leave. An initial payment of £15million and yearly rent of £2.5m for a 60,000-seater venue – plus other benefits – made relocation a no-brainer. Some things do not show up on the balance sheet, though.

Hammers fans have embraced their new home with gusto, trying to create a raucous background to the game. Against Bournemouth, in their first Premier League match in Stratford, they rose to the occasion.

But it will take a serious level of commitment to keep up the clamour. This is a building that seems to have been designed to drain atmosphere.

The hollering in the stands does not echo. It evaporates. Upton Park earned West Ham 10 points a season. The London Stadium may well cost them that number.

It is not designed for football. The £272m spent on making the conversion has not justified the price tag. Players and supporters feel like visitors from another sport.

It will make Slaven Bilic’s task harder. The dugouts are a penalty-area’s length away from the pitch. The West Ham manager needs a mobile phone to consult with his assistants as he prowls the line.

Yet it is not just logistics. Can the East End earthiness, the homeliness, the humour – and, even, the threat – be conjured up in this soulless place?

Wenger may recognise something when he experiences the atmosphere first-hand. The Emirates has never recreated the maelstrom that Highbury generated.

One of the most successful periods in Arsenal history ended when the team switched homes. The Frenchman blames the mortgage repayments, but that was only part of the story. A sense of purpose left with the sense of place.

The move has made the Hammers wealthier, but some of the richness of the club’s culture has been lost.

Four years on from the London Games it is hard to believe this site will ever reach the heights of 2012. West Ham will have to work hard to ensure they were not given fool’s gold when they were handed this stadium

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tanman 11:05 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
I dont recall ever seeing one 'flashy wine bar' in Westfield so I can only assume the guy has never actually been in there. Other than the Cow there and the tiny Tap East there is no where to drink in the place apart from restuarants.

Razzle 11:00 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Vuvuzelas, drums, trumpets and mexican waves...

Dan M 10:57 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
I stuck this on epsom's other thread. Someone (not me) has created this website - http://www.westham-seatexchange.co.uk/

Islerob 10:19 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Epsom speak a lot of sense.

Been going to West Ham for 30 years, stood on the North Bank when I was just 7 with my Dad. Spent the last season at the Boleyn in the TB Upper sat with him.

The fact is when you get 60k people going to a match, that means you get lots of people wanting different things. Some want to stand, sing, get pissed and be with their mates. Some want to sit watch the match with their family. Some want dinner, a glass of wine and a warm box to return to at HT.

It's not for me to say any of those people are wrong, and it's not right to say that some of those people aren't welcome. Football isn't the same in the 80's now. Some would say that's for the better, some would say that's for the worst. I say that's just change and we have to get on with it instead of harking back to the good old days. It won't bring them back.

BUT, we have to sort this situation out, it's a bedding process and some of this was inevitable but what has to happen is the different factions find a way to enjoy their way of watching the game without ruining others. And Epsom's suggestions will help that.

People have issues with designating singing areas and that kind of sanitisation of trying to force a 'atmosphere' but in this situation that's what we should have done. People who want to stand and sing in one area, people who want to sit and watch in another etc. If the club can help create that environment for everyone, then they've done all they can do. If people still want to point fingers and say one is right and the other is wrong after that then fuck em.

I have my season ticket with my 71 year old Dad and my nephew in the West Upper, it's a good view of the game, we could sit and we were right above where people where kicking off with the stewards. My Dad couldn't stand for a whole game if he wanted to...but he understands why people do, he used to do the same. But he and I would be pissed off if he was forced to stand because others wouldn't sit down around us.

Point is, too much finger pointing going on about the different habits of people at a game. We still used to have seats in the 80's as well, it wasn't all terraced. We are all there to support West Ham (well the majority of us) and which ever way we choose to do so shouldn't matter. We need Brady and the club to make sure that everyone is catered for in a way that doesn't affect anyone's enjoyment. Then we can all get back to cunting off the players as usual.

It's over to you Brady, so much is good about the new stadium but this is important to a lot of people. So figure it out! Just telling people to sit is burying your head in the sand.

One more thing, that raucous atmosphere that appeared in the second half which came about from people being thrown out etc, that was fucking brilliant and demonstrated that this new gaff could work for us.

Lets find a way of creating that every game but directed at supporting the team, not at other supporters or stewards just doing the job they've been asked to do.

theaxeman 9:48 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
In truth the stadium is a bit shit but we couldn't turn it down and we are making the best of it. The pitch is miles from the stand!

stewie griffin 9:25 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Don't really understand why people are getting precious about this.

He's complimentary about the supporters making the effort, and says that the stadium isn't designed for football. Nothing controversial at all really

:^) 1:24 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Changing it by increasing the volume, or were they conducting ST interviews?

WHU(Exeter) 1:16 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
For anyone wondering how the club will get round to addressing the 'issues' eventually, have a quick scan through their years of attempting to change the structure of Birmingham City's fan base.

There is a VISION, that doesn't go much in the way of accommodating standing.

Lily Hammer 1:04 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article

I get that, but Epsom wasn't saying they shouldn't be in the stadium, just they should sit with birds of their feather.

Promote the idea of areas where you're not expected to stand and areas where you're not expected to complain if people stand and sing around you.

epsom 12:56 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Charoo 12:41 Tue Aug 23

They have got so much right but in any mass migration there are always teething issues and a lot of people are absolutely happy with the outcome.

For some of us, probably less than 10% (5k) we are not satisfied with where we ended up so having an opportunity to choose again as you state this is for some people their one chance for a day out.

A lot on here will be happy, if the block next to me (136) is right then I don't have far to move as per ChesterRd.

I am not blaming the club, I could not attend personally to choose my seat and ask in detail, I had to do it blind from 3K miles away.

I agree with you though that this can be a defining issue if not tackled and soon.

I just dropped email to the feeders found back email address based on your posting. Lets see what happens.

I think this can be fixed quickly.

epsom 12:46 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
ChesterRd 12:33 Tue Aug 23

Happy to swap for this Thursday?

Charoo 12:41 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Epsom, spot on.

I e-mailed the club suggesting exactly that this morning.

I know it's busy e-mailing the club but West Ham is such a big part of our lives and for match day experiences to be ruined as much as they have for some - it's just not fair.

For a lot of us who have wives and kids, going West Ham is our chance to get out, see our mates, have a few beers, blow of some steam or not and watch the team we love.

Personally, I like my seats, we chose West Upper as one of my lot now brings his 2 boys, so it works for us but there are a lot of people so unhappy.

The club need to address this and do something about it there will be a very empty stadium in a year or 2 unless we are winning the league.

The problem is that cunt Brady just don't get it - we're all meant to turn up, pay our money, clap politely, behave, sit down, welcome away fans and leave quietly in an orderly fashion.

If the club don't pull their finger out with seat swaps and proper policing and security there will be fucking murders over there.

They need to act and act fast including policing around Pudding Mill lane or they will have blood on their hands.

It really is hokey kokey - I fucking love my club and this move could be great but if they don't sort out the fundamental's and quickly they will seriously fuck things up.

:^) 12:41 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
I don't think they care who goes as long as they sell out games.

I don't buy into them wanting us to be a club with a shit atmoshphere though.

Johnson 12:38 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Lily - They WANT the people that Epsom is complaining about, that's the issue.

ChesterRd 12:33 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
I'm in a 1966 seat in block 136 and it's nothing like what Epsom has experienced. All the people around me have been going for years and no we don't stand where we are located obviously but we join in with the chants and singing.

Lily Hammer 12:29 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
epsom 11:44 Mon Aug 22

That's not just a great post, it's an important one that should be heard by the club. It's exactly what the fans and board should get on right away.

WHU(Exeter) 12:25 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Epsom, agree with all that.

I don't think they will even consider doing any of the things you've suggested though. They could have used common sense like that from the offset, but chose not to.

IMHO they will now use Newham council (who they don't tire of saying they work very close with), to forge ahead with a complete no standing policy.

I will hate that if it happens and sincerely hope I'm proved wrong, but that's what I think they'll do.

marlonsrightsock 12:05 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
It's written by a scouser who rarely has a good word to say about us

Just another little dig ignore

Blunders 12:01 Tue Aug 23
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
"The Emirates has never recreated the maelstrom that Highbury generated."

Yup, and that's all you need to know about the credibility of this article.

Far Cough 11:54 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Agreed, I want to move higher up

Sven Roeder 11:52 Mon Aug 22
Re: West Ham's London Stadium is soulless Standard Article
Given its all new I think the idea of people having second thoughts and wanting to swap into another part of the stadium is a good one.
People should be able to register showing where they are and which block they would want to move to and maybe some sort of open day could be held on an international weekend for people to check out other seats.

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